Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Political Cartoons From The Time

This is depicting England as an octopus-type creature, reaching out
too all the countries surrounding it, and bringing them closer to England so
as to gain more land for itself.

It seems like the artist's opinion is that England is some ugly, evil creature
bent on becoming THE world power by taking all the land.

I feel as though this portrays the feelings of really everyone at the time.
England was a big contributor of New Imperialism, and found a way to seize all this land. 

I believe that this is also the depiction of England, but this time as a fat man. You see that his fat belly is actually a globe, as a symbol of the land they've gained.

The artist's opinion is that England is so consumed with power, and is always hungry for more, so it'll just keep gaining "weight" or land, until it has all of the land, which is why his stomach is the entire globe.

This political cartoon portrays exactly what the artist wanted it to portray. It, in my opinion, shows that England's fat with land and power, and plans to gain more. 

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